domingo, 18 de agosto de 2024

Sunday 18 August at 2024

Nothing can hurt you unless you give it the power to do so. Yet you give power as the laws of this world interpret giving; as you give you lose.

Nada puede herirte a no ser que le confieras ese poder.

Mas tú confieres poder según las leyes de este mundo interpretan lo que es dar: que al dar, pierdes.


sábado, 17 de agosto de 2024

Saturday 17 August at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Love Are Our Trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 

We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 
We trust, We allow, We accept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The Seven Key: Don't Jutge Each Other!
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

August 17 at 2024

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2024

Friday 16 August at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Love Are Our Trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 

We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 
We trust, We allow, W accept. IWextend! Father we are in You!
The Sixth Key Build Bridges
Only for today I am fully in You Father!
Agust 16 at 2024

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2024

Thursday 15 August at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Love Are Our Trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 

We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 
We trust, We allow, We eccept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The Fifth Key Believe In Truth Betwen People
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

August 15 at 2024

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2024

Wednesday 14 August a t 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Love Are Our Trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 

We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 
We trust, We allow, We accept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The Fourth Key Take Acction Now!
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

August 14 at 2024

martes, 13 de agosto de 2024

Tuesday 13 August at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Love Are Our Trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 

We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 
We trust, We allow, W accept. IWextend! Father we are in You!
The Third Key Believe That Daily Miracles Occur 
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

August 13 at 2024

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2024

Monday 12 August at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Love Are Our Trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 

We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 
We trust, We allow, W accept. IWextend! Father we are in You!
The Second Key: Chose Love Over Fear.
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

August 12 at 2024

domingo, 11 de agosto de 2024

Sunday 11 August at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Love Are Our Trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 

We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 
We trust, We allow, W accept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The First Key Trust In God!
Only for today I am fully in You Father!
August 11 at 2024

Sunday 11 August at 2024

Perhaps you do not yet fully realize just what holding grievances does to your mind. It seems to split you off from your source and make you unlike him.

Quizá aún no hayas comprendido del todo lo que abrigar resentimientos le ocasiona a tu mente. Te hace sentir como si estuvieras enajenado de tu fuente y fueras diferente de él.

ACIM, W-68.1:5-6