Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta j2024Tales of October. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta j2024Tales of October. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2024

Friday 4 October at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Are Love, in Your Love  we trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 
We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 

We trust, We allow, We accept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The Sixth Key Build Bridges
Only for today I am fully in You Father!
October 4 at 2024

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2024

Thursday 3 October at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Are Love, in Your Love  we trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 
We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 

We trust, We allow, We accept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The Fifth Key Believe In Truth Betwen People
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

October 3 at 2024

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2024

Wednesday 2 October at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Are Love, in Your Love  we trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 
We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 

We trust, We allow, We accept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The Fourth Key Take Acction Now!
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

 October 2 at 2024

martes, 1 de octubre de 2024

Tuesday 1 October at 2024

Tales of our family: Love is the cause  that feeds us in Himself!

Nosotros Reunidos en el Hogar Eterno con Nuestro Padre-Madre Oramos contemplando la Santidad, Belleza y Bondad de la Creación en Familia sostenida por la Bendición del Amor entre Hermanos.

Father You Are Love, in Your Love  we trust!. 
We accept this momemt and bless You In It. 
We are the beat of Your Radiant Heart 
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Lord! 

We trust, We allow, We accept. We extend! Father we are in You!
The Third Key Believe That Daily Miracles Occur 
Only for today I am fully in You Father!

October 1 at 2024